Current Projects

Upcoming Projects

Ongoing Projects

Project Ideation

Systems Ideation

Evergreen Projects

Archived Projects

<aside> 📢 Tip: You can hit “Duplicate” in the upper right corner, to add this into your own Notion. And then play around and add in all your magic from there. Please do not share this with anyone, as it is only for my clients. Thank you!


<aside> 📢 Tip: This is not meant to be your only page in Notion, unless it fits everything you currently need. I have many {many} pages for various areas and aspects of my business, life, writing, content creation, website, team, etc. You might duplicate this for other areas of your life, art, and business... or it might just be for your projects. Remember, this is just a jump off point {and some bones} for your creativity to flow!


<aside> 📢 Tip: You might prefer to create your new entries from this main page and then move them into their designated pages afterwards. Or you might prefer to create them directly inside their designated pages from the jump. I use the designated page when I’m migrating content from somewhere else. I like the main page when I’m not sure where the project might be going {current, upcoming, just a future idea, etc}. Have fun making it your own!
